One of the things I've really enjoyed about creating new figure add-on parts alongside Len and Walter (MASS Customs) is being able to develop unique characters and storylines that have added so much to my collection. This started with my Kitsune fox characters, which were not really created with a larger storyline in mind, but where a story began to develop once I had them in hand.
Once we put out my second set of parts, the "badgerines", the idea of having storylines for these characters was in full swing, and the brand of "Woodhaven" was introduced. Later there would be the battle of good and evil seen in the Wulvven characters of Skoll Suneater and Amarok Ghostfang, and most recently the "War of the Akupara" was unveiled along with the "turtle" parts from our last sale. Emil and Steven have also embraced this storytelling approach in a huge way with their "God's Fire" releases, and Len is also hard at work developing his own ragtag set of characters for a set of releases he has coming soon!
Well, today I am excited to begin teasing 3 brand new series I have been working on, along with a bit of a change in how these will be released! These three properties are "The Secrets of the Lamp", "The Burrows of Woodhaven", and I am very excited to officially announce the follow up to those popular fox parts with "Legend of the Kitsune - Series 2".

OK, so first off a little information on these three new series:
The Secrets of the Lamp - this series of new characters is inspired by classic stories of Djinn, Ifrit, and other magical denizens of stories like "The 1001 Nights". Expect brand new heads, as well as a handful of accessories, to help you create your own customs from this universe.
One exciting note about this property is that while the designs all came from my head and were sculpted by Walter DeMarco, this is the first series of MY parts that I will not be painting for sale. I've decided to hand the painting duties on this wave off to a wonderful artist - Pete Tieman. Look for his amazing paints to be featured on the parts from "The Secrets of the Lamp".
The Burrows of Woodhaven - if you watched the "Wolf King Holiday Special", you saw me tease the next set of "critters" I have in the works - my "rabbit" parts! These characters will exist as part of the world of Woodhaven that we created awhile back - a hidden kingdom of Anthropomorphic characters, some who are heroic and good, and some who are vile and cruel. Look for a variety of new parts from this series, including my favorite villainous character created to date!
Legend of the Kitsune 2 - the popularity of the original Kitsune fox head, which was the first product ever offered by Wolf King Customs for sale, has been nothing short of amazing. It goes without saying that the Kitsune is my signature piece, and I had to return to this world to explore it further. Expect this wave to give us new Kitsune characters, good and evil, including a VERY cool army builder option!
OK, so I hope you are excited about these ideas - but you may be wondering how ALL of these series and parts are going to be released. In the past, I've "bunched" each one of my series together in a sale. For example, both of the Wulvven characters were offered at once, as were the Akupara turtles. To get these new series out in a timely manner, and not be forced to push one series back for months and months, I have decided to release 1 new head from each series each sale, along with any corresponding parts or accessories, That means that starting in the next Wolf King sale, which is slated for early March, you will have a chance to get pieces from the "Secrets of the Lamp", "Burrows of Woodhaven", and the "Legends of the Kitsune" series! This will spread each series out across multiple sales, but it will allow us to get a wider variety of parts out in each of those sales and it will hopefully make it easier for fans to budget for the parts they want most without needing to get them all at once!
Finally, with the coming launch of LegionsShop, I have also been thinking of fun ways that these series can crossover into that store as well! I have plans for painted variants of some of these parts to be LegionsShop exclusives, and we even have a variant Kitsune head that will be offered at LegionShop as well!
I am incredibly excited for these 3 series and I look forward to sharing the new parts, characters, and storylines that I developed for each of them soon!