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Artists' Reveal #9 - Welcoming Chris "Hobby Lobby" Middlecamp to the Artist' Sale!

The Artists' Sale is just a few days away, so it is time to wrap up our reveals with one more surprise. I am super excited to welcome Chris "Hobby Lobby" Middlecamp to Wolf King Customs as a featured painter!

I have been a huge fan of Chris' work for many, many years, so when he agreed to paint a number of pieces for Wolf King Customs, I was incredibly excited. I have actually been sitting on these photos for weeks now, just waiting to share them with everyone!

Chris will be painting not one, not two, not even three - but FOUR different heads for our upcoming sale! These include all 3 of the dwarf heads from Emil Wickman, plus the dwarf/viking head from Walter DeMarco. You can see examples of 3 of these painted heads in this post (we are still working on the painted version of the "stoic dwarf" head).

Like all the painted heads offered in this sale, there will be very limited numbers of these available, so if you want to grab a painted version of these heads, our suggestion is to get into the sale early and make your purchase!

All of the items shown for the Artists' Sale will be available starting this Saturday, August 29th, at 3pm EST. The sale will run for exactly 1 week, ending on 9/5 at 3pm EST.

Thank you to everyone who continues to support Wolf King Customs - and a BIG thank you to all the artists who have chosen to work with me for this sale and for future sales! I really did start this company as a way to share some art with others, so to be able to work alongside these amazing sculptors and painters is really an honor and I am very much looking forward to helping bring their art into your collections as well!

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Aug 26, 2020

Chris is awesome!

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