Who is ready for some things that go "bump" in the night, and perhaps some of the brave souls who fight against those horrors? We are!

For months now, we knew that our October sale would be Halloween-themed - appropriate since it will start on 10.31!. Some of the pieces we will have available were developed and ready to go months ago, but we held them back specifically for this sale! We cannot wait to unleash these horrors on all Wolf King Customs' fans.
Stay tuned for a whole bunch of reveals over the coming weeks. Yes, we will be offering both painted and unpainted pieces during the sale just like always!
Oh, and you may also have noticed a new button on our site for "Swag". Keep your eyes open for some cool new products that will be showing up there very soon as well.
What's that? You want a little teaser of what's to come from our October sale? Absolutely!
