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Sneak Peek Sale Postponed

So we have made the tough decision to postpone our planned "Sneak Peek" sale, which was slated to feature the Lochwoggle frog parts, the Akupara turtle pieces, and one more not yet revealed item. The reality is that with the recently dropped BBTS pre-orders decimating Mythic Legions collectors' wallets, as well as the items revealed and sold in this weekend's Hasbro PulseCon event, we know that adding yet another bunch of cool stuff that people will want for their collections kind of sucks. Rather than see some collectors forced to pass on these parts for budgetary reasons, we decided to push those parts back awhile to give our fellow Mythic fans and their wallets a break.

If you were looking forward to these pieces, don't worry, they will be available before you know it and their sale will be even bigger and better with additional awesomeness added! In the meantime, enjoy those new Legions from BBTS! I know that many customizers were bemoaning the lack of fodder bodies to use with all the great parts that the 3D companies are releasing, so that problem is seemingly solved for the time being! We now have access to lots of great bodies to fuel our creations, and Wolf King Customs will be back in October with a whole bunch of new parts for you to play with!

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