All the way back in December, during the super fun "Team Wolf King Holiday Reveal Special". we revealed some characters from a series we called the "Mysfyts of Kaos". Created by myself and my friend, Patrick Boyle, and sculpted by Gianluca Circiello, the first releases from this series are finally ready for sale. They will be appearing in our July 10th sale in limited numbers. Here is what you need to know!
First off, some background on the series itself:

Well, a vessel needs a captain, so the first parts from this series will be Captain Kookee and his cutlass weapon! Here is an example of the head which was painted by the amazing Pete Tieman, along with a shot of the cutlass!

We don't want to send the captain out on his own, so joining him on this maiden voyage will be this Salty Dog along with his bone club! There is also a painted example courtesy of Anthony Houseal!

We do hope to offer these parts painted down the road, but for now, they will only be sold as unpainted pieces - and like all the parts in the July 10th sale, they will be limited in numbers, so if you want some of this first run, get in that sale early!
There is still much more to come in terms of July 10th reveals, including lots of fun stuff from the minds of Emil Wickman and Steve Biesiada! Stay tuned!