Many of you have asked when we will offer the Kitsune fox parts as unpainted pieces for fellow customizers to purchase – and we have that date to announce now!

The sale will begin this Saturday, May 16th at 3pm EST and it will run for one full week, ending on Saturday May 23rd! Here is what you need to know:
- The unpainted items are listed on the site now, but they currently say “Out of Stock”. They will all be made available once the order period begins.
- This will be a pre-order for the parts! Delivery will be approximately 4 weeks after the end of the pre-order period.
- Unlike the painted heads we offered a few weeks ago, the unpainted parts do not have as small a run size and they will not sell out in 15-minutes like the painted run did! That being said, it is not a bad idea to get your order in earlier rather than later to make sure you are at the front of the list.
- We will have the “regular” Kistune head available as well as the “hooded” head and the tail attachment. We may also have a few other little surprises available for you to order as well.
I think that covers the basics. THANK YOU for all the love you have shown for my company and for these parts – and for those of you who ordered the painted heads, those will be on their way to Jeremy to paint in the next few days! All painted Kitsune parts will ship before the unpainted ones do. Unfortunately, we cannot combine orders, however, so if you ordered painted pieces in our previous sale and plan to now buy some unpainted parts, they will be processed and shipped separately.
Most excellent!