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Wrapping Up the Artists' Sale and Teasing Our Next Offerings


Updated: Sep 10, 2020

Wow. Once again I am blown away by the support Wolf King Customs has received. Our "Artists' Sale" has just wrapped up and it was amazing. On behalf of myself, and all the artists involved - Emil Wickman, Walter DeMarco, Steven Biesiada, Dustin Yoak, Chris Middlecamp, and Jeremy Girard - we THANK YOU for your continued support and the love you have give to this project!

So what's next?!

First off - we are hard at work getting the items from the Artists' Sale completed. This includes printing all the unpainted parts that were offered and also having the artists' work their magic for the painted parts that many people selected. When we do these sales, we always say that it will take around 4-6 weeks after the end of the sale for them to be completed and shipped. So far, we have come in at the low end, or even faster, than this timeframe for each sale we've done! The Artists' Sale will likely take the full 6 weeks, however. Because parts are being painted by so many different people, the coordination to get everything ready to ship to customers is a bit more than we've had in past sales. So while we will always do our best to get these items into your hands as quickly as we can, be aware that we will probably need the full window of time on this one. That would mean these orders should be shipping out in early to mid-October.

So that brings us to the next topic - what's next? If you've seen the emails we've sent recently or if you follow people like Emil and Jeremy on Instagram, you may have seen sneak peeks of new items that are in the works. There are honestly a TON of new items we have in development - and we are already well into 2021 with the plans for new parts and series that we have in store for you! We know everyone is working within a limited budget for toy purchases, so we try to stagger these parts so you can get what you want, hopefully without having to compromise too much! This often means that we have parts ready to go, but we put them off for awhile to not overwhelm our customers or our printers! With that all in mind, we decided to do something fun for our next sale in late September - something that we are calling a "Sneak Peek Sale".

We obviously strive to make cool parts that fans can use for their custom creations however they choose, but lately we've also been having lots of fun by building themes and stories for some of our releases. You saw this a few month ago with our "Woodhaven" series, and we have a number of other storyline-focused ideas in the works! For September, we are pulling back the lid on a few of those upcoming series to release some parts from 3 of them now! That's right, you will get an early taste of some of the variety that we have in store for you in 2021!

This will be a very small sale with only a handful of parts offered. Again, we know that budgets are tight, so hopefully this sale will give your wallets a bit of break while still giving you at least a few cool new items to customize with.

Looking a bit further ahead - October we will be back to a normal-sized sale, and trust us, it will be MONSTROUS!

Stay tuned for some photos of the Sneak Peek Sale soon - and again, THANK YOU for being a part of the Wolf King Customs pack!

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