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Details on Next Week's Sale


Updated: Jun 20, 2020

We are one week away from our next sale and I am super excited to reveal some of the details of that sale to you and to show you some very cool new images to get you excited for what is coming!

If you follow Jeremy Girard / MythicCustoms on Instagram, you may have already seen the images that he shared of the amazing ogre head from Emil Wickman fully painted (also shown below), but I have additional photos to share here, along with lots of info!

First off, the sale itself will start on Saturday 6/20 at 3pm EDT. It will include both unpainted and painted pieces. I’ve heard the comments from many Mythic fans who are not customizers thanking us for offering the Kitsune parts painted so they could follow our recipes and easily make a custom figure for their collection. We get that not everyone wants to paint, and we really are committed to supporting fellow Mythic Legions and toy fans however we can. Whenever possible, we do want to make painted versions available, even if they are in limited in quantity. So whether you are looking for unpainted pieces to customize yourself, or if you want a fully painted piece that is ready to plug right onto a figure, this sale will have something for you!

The big piece that is for sale is the ogre head from Emil Wickman that we teased a few weeks ago when we announced that he would be releasing his pieces through Wolf King Customs. Emil has been cranking out new pieces and we are planning a full “wave” of parts from him soon, but his debut piece with us is this ogre head! It will be offered unpainted, and there will also be a VERY limited number of painted pieces for sale.

Now, regarding the painted ogre, be aware that not only will there only be a few of them available, but it will also be on the expensive side. The piece is complex with lots of amazing detail. That means that it requires much more time and paint applications to create. We honestly didn’t initially intend to offer this painted at all, but knowing that some people would want this piece ready to go, we decided to offer it as a premium-priced piece. It will be limited to 1 per person to try to at least spread the few we have available around to different collectors. Unfortunately, since Emil is in Sweden, having him paint these for the sale didn’t work with the timeline, so Jeremy has stepped in and agreed to paint these for the sale! So the prototype pictures you see here are an example of what the ones for sale will look like since Jeremy painted the pieces in those photos as well! (To be clear - the painted version will be 1 per person, the unpainted will not be limited).

In addition to the ogre head, we will also be offering another head from Emil – his ancient vampire! This sculpture was previously available on his Shapeways store, but Emil updated it for Wolf King and it will now be available here with a much better quality than you would find on Shapeways! Once again, this will be offered unpainted and there will be a limited number of painted pieces available as well. There will be more of these offered than the painted ogres, but they will still be pretty limited, so if you want a painted version of either the ogre or the vampire, I do suggest that you visit the website at 3pm on the day of the sale. I do not expect the painted pieces to last long.

For this sale, we will have some awesome ogre-scale weapon toppers that will be offered too. We will have a hammer topper and a spear topper. These are meant to plug right on top of the weapon handles that the ogres come with. These pieces are Wolf King Customs originals, with additional detail work added by Walter Demarco of MASS Customs. You can see some of the incredible detail work he added to these pieces below! These will be offered as unpainted pieces, and we will also offer them painted. The paint color on them will work great with the handle pieces that came with Kkurzog and Argemedes, and they would even work with the Ogre Legion Builder handles.

So there you have it – unpainted and painted pieces available to deck out your ogres and an updated version of Emil’s original vampire head (we also like to throw some surprises into sales, so look out for that too). The plan right now is to run this sale for 1 week, ending it on Saturday 6/27. As always, this is a preorder, and items will ship 4-6 weeks after the end of the sale.

Thank you again for all the support you have already shown to Wolf King Customs. It has been amazing to see all the photos of the Kitsune parts being used by Mythic Legions fans and we are so excited for not only this sale and Emil’s work, but for everything we have in store. On that note – for those who missed out on the painted Kitsune foxes, they will be back in early July....and they are bringing some friends with them.

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Robby Webb
Robby Webb
Jun 13, 2020

Looks awesome!


Jun 13, 2020

Most excellent!!!

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